Why would Apple and its employees not only elect an absolutely clueless and incompetent "CEO," let alone sit there, watch him run it into the ground at breakneck speed, and moreover: not have him ousted?!
I cant fathom, nor will I entertain the notion that Steve Jobs was the person who handed the proverbial "keys" over to Tim Cook.
Everything Apple has doled out under the "direction" of Tim Cook has been utter junk, an embarrassment, and we mustve forget: constructed with mechanisms that create an exponential number of problems that immobile Apple in entirety.
And to ice the proverbial cake: make it impossible to miss that Cook has instructed anyone/anything that has to contend with screwed-over customers to offer nothing but a lesson in "youve been screwed, and shall never be allowed contact with who SHOULD instantly resolve any and all problems, issues, and every nightmare you cant imagine, but WILL EXPERIENCE.
KeanuMadonna about Apple Store, v4.2